Winter Contingency II

21/12/2022 - 11:50

It's that time of year again… The Winter Contingency event returns to Halo Infinite!

Winter Contingency II will be available from December 20 to January 3 and will bring a free 10-tier Event Pass containing new Christmas-themed cosmetics.

For this year's Event Pass, you can progress simply by completing Challenges, which means you can complete the entire Event Pass at any time during the time the Winter Contingency II event is taking place. More information here.

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Hay aksi… Bu oyunda henüz iki saat oynamadın.
İnceleme yayınlamak istiyorsan, oyunu daha derinlemesine tanımalısın… Yani en az 2 saat oyun süresine sahip olmalısın.
